Evil Mineswifter

Unsolvable Minesweeper

Decidedly evil.

This is the free version of Mineswifter, but don't be surprised if it's grumpy about it.

Introducing Evil Mineswifter. While it may look like a perfectly normal game of Minesweeper, every board contains a 50/50 guess and the hint system makes fun of you for being bad. Yes, really.

Every time you start a game, Evil Mineswifter secretly runs an advanced Minesweeper AI to see if the board can be solved without guessing. If it solves the board, it randomly generates another board and tries again. This swiftly takes you to the boards no one wants to play.

Want to play the nice version? Try Mineswifter instead!

Evil Mineswifter for iOS

Perfectly unnatural.

Evil Mineswifter is designed with a modern and beautiful user interface that helps hide its evil nature, and is available for iOS and macOS. Customize everything from the background colors to your play style in a futile attempt to make the game work the way you want. Or join the dark side for a seriously sinister look:

Mineswifter Dark Mode

Real hints. If it feels like it.

We also added a hint system that uses the power of the Minesweeper AI to show you exactly which part of the board is solvable next, but then ruined that too by having it complain a lot. Sometimes it doesn't even feel like helping.

At least hints only cost a penalty added to your total time – unlike certain *cough* questionable mobile games, hints do not cost coins, gems, cursed crystals, battery power, or any other concept designed to take money from your pockets. Hints are free and will always be free.


Undo the inevitable.

Click on a mine due to a 50/50 guess? No problem! Simply click the Undo popover and keep playing until the next 50/50 guess. Mistakes add 10 seconds to your time.

Questionable statistics.

The main statistic tracked in Evil Mineswifter is the perfect game, which is a board completed without mistakes or hints. Don't expect this to happen very often. In fact, when opening the stats Evil Mineswifter places your perfect rate and average time front and center, helping emphasize just how bad it is.

Daily Challenge

Something evil every day.

Evil Mineswifter also offers evil daily challenges, all of which end with a 50/50 guess. Each one is carelessly chosen to make sure it's frustrating and annoying for both new and seasoned players alike.

These evil daily challenges have full stat tracking as well, so you can compare your guessing abilities to people from around the world.

Try it today...?

That's all! Suggestions and complaints are always welcome – just send an email or tweet. The download link is below, and if for some reason you like this app please mention it on Twitter! Thank you!

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