Solvable MinesweeperSkip the nonsense.
Minesweeper – it's all fun and games until that 50/50 guess. So we decided to remove the guessing.
Introducing Mineswifter. Every time you start a game, Mineswifter randomly generates a board and uses an advanced Minesweeper AI to make sure the board is solvable before showing it to you. If it contained a 50/50 guess, it randomly generates another board and tries again. This skips the nonsense and swiftly takes you to the boards you actually wanted to play.
Looking for something a bit more... evil?
Perfectly natural.
Mineswifter is designed with a modern and beautiful user interface that looks and feels like a native app on iOS and macOS. Customize everything from the background colors to your play style to make the game work exactly the way you want. Or turn on dark mode for a seriously psychedelic look:

Boards feel equally natural – since each board is generated randomly and solved using an AI, they avoid the artificial clumping of mines that some solvable Minesweeper games provide from moving the mines around.
Real hints. And free hints.
Every board is solvable, but not every board is easy. That's why we added a hint system that uses the power of the Minesweeper AI to show you exactly which part of the board is solvable next. You can even mash the hint button repeatedly and watch the game solve the board for you.
The only thing hints cost is a penalty added to your total time – unlike certain *cough* questionable mobile games, hints do not cost coins, gems, magic crystals, battery power, or any other concept designed to take money from your pockets. Hints are free and will always be free.

No one's perfect.
Despite your best efforts, there may come a time where you accidentally click on a mine. No problem! Since every board is solvable, there are no game overs – simply click the Undo popover and keep playing. Mistakes add 10 seconds to your time.
Just the stats, ma'am.
The main statistic tracked in Mineswifter is the perfect game, which is a board completed without mistakes or hints. When opening the stats Mineswifter places your perfect rate and average time front and center, always encouraging you to do better. More intense players may prefer competing against their longest perfect streak and best time.

Something new every day.
Mineswifter also offers daily challenges, which can generally be completed within a few minutes. Each one is carefully curated to make sure it's fun and rewarding for both new and seasoned players alike.
Daily challenges have full stat tracking as well, so you can compare your mine sweeping performance to people from around the world.
Try it today!
That's all! Suggestions and comments are always welcome – just send an email or tweet. The download link is below, and if you like this app please mention it on Twitter! Thank you!